Saturday, March 31, 2007

Day at the Farm - UI Style

Today Z and I went to the open house at the College of Vet Medicine on campus. Highlights included putting my hand inside a fistulated cow (don't worry i didn't eat it), milking a cow, a police dog demonstration, seeing kosher piglets =) and waking up at 5 am (oh wait that wasn't a highlght).

Best Question of the Day:
Z: Daddio, Whats coming out of the cow's wee-wee?
D: Um thats not the cow's wee-wee its umm its umm - teet. (Regaining exposure) Milk is coming out of the cow's teet.
Z: Daddio, do you have a teet? Does milk come out of your teet?
D: Look! Sheep! Z you like sheep! Sheep are fuzzy. When I was younger I saw sheep get a hair cut. Maybe we'll see them get a haircut.
Z: Baa Baa Black Sheep!
D: (thinking to self - phew avoiding anymore questions on teets!).
Here are the accompanying pics.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Super Zachio!

Remember when you were little and wished you were a super hero with a cape? Well not that I mean to brag or anything but I live it! For some reason the neighbors look at me odd when I tuck a towel in the back of my shirt and run around! (That was a joke - I don't wear a cape outside of the house!) . And mom - don't worry I haven't taught Z to but his underwear on his head and run around the house. Think that skill is best taught once potty training is mastered!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My Godfather has A PhD!

As Zachio Would say Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
Well all good things come to an end. Yesterday at approximately 2:30 pm EST Zachio's godfather took of his student hat and donned his PHD hat. He successful defended his dissertation! Rumor has it that he took a few nasty blows but would not succomb the evil committees blows! Congrats Dr. Jon. We are proud of you!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Shabbat Shalom - Zachio and Daddio Style

So today Z and I went to the supermarket in town to get our Passover munchies.
Believe it or not there was a selection of Matzo – 4 different brands – did you know that there were that many? As I am putting all of the goodies into the cart, Z is pointing at the shelf asking what is that? I did my best to explain Passover candy, chips, potato noodles, etc to the little man. He points at Shabbas candles and asks “Daddy what are those?” When I tell them they are candles – his eyes light up. Daddy can we light the menorah?! So I add the candles to our cart of Judaic.

Prior to dinner Z and I decided to have our own little Shabbas – complete with Challah, grape juice and the candles. Although Z wanted to use the menorah – I knew that wasn’t what we were suppose to do (9 years of Hebrew school taught me something!). Unfortunately, I do not own candlesticks. So I was in the quandary – how was I suppose to light the candles without candle holders. I thought back to all my years of religious school training and had a faint memory of making candlesticks out of clay. So I made candlesticks out of playdo (McGuyver eat your heart out!)! Z picked the color so don't comment on the pink candlesticks. Just to warn everyone playdo will catch fire or atleast burn if exposed to flames! =)

Other highlights of Friday with the little man – he used the potty by himself – wouldn’t even let me in the bathroom! After doing his business he came out all proud of himself – the best part he didn’t even know his pants were on back words! Ignorance is bliss!
Here is Zachio with his pants on backwards and a matching face!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Like Father Like Son!

Hope everyone is having a good spring break. (For those in the real world - sorry!). Mine is going really well so far - had the my first weekend without Z in 6 months. Big thanks to Jodie for helping me out with the hotel - I owe you - big time! I learned a bunch of things over break - Union Station is a common name for a train station (sorry Worcester), if your spedometer is broken there is a good chance your odometer does not work either - opps =), Mapquest has no qualms with telling you to drive thru a building - don't worried I stopped (but I did think about it)!
There is a story behind this picture (chik 'in head!) - but luckily I am to sober to tell anyone! (The photographer of this picture is the best! ) And for all of you wise guys out there - it is a chicken not a rooster! No rooster jokes! If you still don't get what I am alluding to you have a pure mind or you are very slow (no offense Joe!)

May everyone's break be as good as mine!

Z's favorite picture from my Spring Break Trip!

Anyone remember when we took the family vacation to Cancun and I entered the push-up contest at the pool. I think I came in a respectable 4th place which isn't bad for a 15 year old unless you take into account that Uncle Steve came in 2nd! Ah Spring Break memories!

Friday, March 9, 2007

Best Answer to "What is that?"

Zach and I were playing with playdo this morning. I was making my specialty - snakes and Z was creating his playdo master piece. After several mintues of intense concentration and skillful use of playdo scissors his creation is complete. I as a dutiful parent ask my artistic son what his playdo creation is. His response is...a bean bag! And to be truthful it, the playdo mass, looked exactly like a bean bag. Sorry no pics of his creation - just a good story!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

I wanna Puppy!

So 2 weekends ago Z and I went to the human society. It was a very eventful visit. First Z didn’t want to go into see the puppies – they were to “barky”. So instead we watched the bunnies (yes the shelter has bunnies). No offense to bunnies but they are not that exciting to watch especially when there is a room full of puppies to play with. Z was enamored with the water bottle and the gray bunny drinking out of it. After some gentle coxing Z and I finally got to go into the puppies. Unfortunately there were a lot of dogs at the shelter. I always let Z choose the dog(s) we play with. He finally decided for us to play with a smallish black lab mix named recycle. Recycle reminded me a lot of Austin – my first dog. Anyway we took him outside and ran around for awhile. Z even told me that recycle had soft hair. After running around for awhile with Recycle we headed back in and got another dog. Think it was named Neppers or something like that – a Jack Russell mix. So we took him out and played with him.

While we were playing with him, Z stepped in a puddle up to his ankles. Luckily he was wearing his boots – so his little footsies didn’t get wet. But he did manage to get stuck! Z being Z just looked up at me – not worried at all – and says – Daddy my feets not moving. I just leaned over and picked him up with the biggest grin on my face. After I pulled him out we decided to take Neppers back in.

On the way into the shelter Z manages to face plant on the sidewalk. He starts to cry instantly I go over and pick him up. He managed to bang his lip pretty good and was bleeding freely (alright gushing but I don’t want to upset anyone). Being an experienced Dad I pick him up and reassure him that he will survive (You can’t die from a bleeding lip right?). So I had Z in one hand gushing blood and Neppers leash in the other. I manage to get Z inside. The lady at the front desk takes one look at us – and shrieks “OH MY GOD!” (believe it or not it didn’t calm Z down at all). I assure her that Neppers did not attack Z, a sidewalk accident – I think I repeated that 20 times. She nicely directed me to the bathroom and handed me the first aid kit. Luckily it only took a few wet paper towels to clean Z up. So I figure that Z is done playing with dogs and start getting us ready to go back to the car. I go to put on Z’s hat and he looks up at me – “Daddy, can we play with another doggie?” My heart leap for joy (that might be a little overstated – but I was happy)!

So we went back into the kennel and Z picked out another puppy to play with. Penguin was his name – an 8 mos old black and white pitt bull mix (yes I know). I decided to stay inside so we took him to one of the “getting acquainted rooms” – little rooms you can take the dogs into and play with. In the room there were a few tennis balls and a pull toy. So I threw the ball around and Penguin played fetch like an 8 month puppy does! The next thing I know Z has taken the pull toy and given half to Penguin. And they start playing tug of war!!! Z is all smiles and giggles! After we wear all of us out, we take Penguin back to his pen.

As we are walking out of the shelter Z turns to me: “Daddy can we bring the puppy home! Please Daddy! I wanna Puppy!”. I was as happy as a clam!

This was the first time that Z had wanna to bring a puppy back from the “puppy store” as he calls it since I had to put Petey down. Needless to say it was a good day!

You check out all of the puppies here

Monday, March 5, 2007

Good Luck Uncle Joe!

My little brother, Z's crazy uncle Joe is in LA today. Beleive it or not here is going to be on Jeopardy! So Jose good luck. And remember we will love you even if you are the guy who is negative at the end of double jeopardy and doesn't get to do compete in Final Jeopardy! But We will love you more if you win!

So do your best and pull your pants up for goodness sake!