Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Happy 100th Day!

Today was Zachio's hundredth day at school. They had a party at school and he brought a bag of 100 things to school! (My junk draw is very empty at the moment!)

While getting dressed this morning, Zachio told me he wanted to wear a pretty shirt to impress his teacher, Ms. E! 3.5 years old and already dressing to impress the ladies!!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Happy B-day Cousin Hub!

In honor of Zachio's cousin Hub birthday Zachio decided to wear a cupcake! Did I mention that I turned 30 last week? Did I mention college students offer me their seat on the bus now!

Here is a picture of Zachio and I opening a present! =) (Don't worry thats Big Zade - not me!! )

This is what Zachio and I are going to be looking like this weekend. It is suppose to be -15 with the wind chill!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Rose Bowl Parade - 3 year old Style!

Zachio and I were back East for new years. (Happy New Year!). As we were enjoying our lazy day - Zachio caught a glimpse of the Rose Bowl Parade and was fasinated by the marching band. Always looking for a way to improve my cool daddio status - I eagerly told Z that I played trombone when I was little. (Maybe "held a trombone in the school band" is a more true description of my trombone experience!!) . After my mother mentioned that my old trombone was in the "Daddio Shrine" (i.e. a closet where all of my important childhood memorbelia is stockpiled) Z and I quickly pull out the trombone and start jamming.

Well as you have probably guessed - my trombone skill is still at its peak and Zachio is my equal! Trombone today - tube tomorrow!!!