Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving Highlights!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Here are my top ten from this year Thanksgiving...definately better than last year! =)

1) Having my first turkey in 6 years
2) Making a pumpkin pie (only had to call my moma once!)
3) Eating pumpkin pie with home made whipped cream
4) Talking to Zachio on the phone for 5 minutes about Curious George and tofurkey (thats long phone call for him)
5) Spending it with friends
6) Driving the corvette to get a pie shell
7) Watching Brett Favre throw 17 complete passes
8) Talking to my family and good friends
9) Sleeping on the coach
10) Spending 6 hours at Merryann's diner (no its not where I had T-day dinner- its a long story...) and learning not to trust out of order signs!

Hope your Thanksgiving was spectacular

1 comment:

Shaila said...

Sounds like an adventurous Thanksgiving! We did not get out of our PJs and enjoyed the Packers game as much as you did! -Nicole