Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Phone calls with Zachio

On days that I don't have Zachio at the house - I call him in the morning before work and after dinner. Now having a phone conversation with Zachio is always a crap shot. Most 2.5 year olds are as of yet not skilled phone conversationists. But this morning was classic and perhaps the best phone call yet!

Here is a line by line recap -

Daddio: "Good morning big guy. Did you sleep well."

Zachio: "Hi Daddio. What ya doing?" - notice he ignores my question

Daddio: "I am eating breakfast and talking to you, Little man. What are you doing?"

Zachio: "I'm reading a book. Daddio, whatcca doin? Are you watching football?"

Daddio: "I am talking to you on the phone, big guy, what book are you reading?"

Zachio: "Why aren't you watching Football? Daddio, are you in the phone?"

Daddio: "No buddy, I am not in the phone. I am talking to you on the phone?"

Zachio: "You watching football? Daddio you should watch football."

Daddio: "Um, ok, little man - I will watch some football. Have a great day. Be good for mommy and Lindsey (the nanny)"

Zachio: "I going to Library with Lindsey. No old books, new books. Daddy, new books at library!"

Daddio: "Make sure you get good new books. Get ones about Franklin!"

Zachio: " New Books! New Books! Love you, Daddy. Goodbye. See you soon"

Daddio: "Bye, buddy. Love ya to"

The end!

Alright so most of you are probably a little confused why Zachio insisted that I watch football. I was for a while too. Then it dawned on me. on Sunday when I dropped him off at his mom's in the afternoon he asked me what I was going to do - and told him: watch football. So in his mind when I am not with him - I am watching football! Makes perfect sense to me now.

I did buy a digital camera yesterday! Just haven't had taken pictures of Z yet - you don't want to see pics of me! Especially self potriats!


heidiy said...

Hugs and positive thoughts... for Zachio and Daddio! Thanks for the recap conversation. Could just hear it as you described it. :) Love you both... H

Shaila said...

That is the cutest thing!! And he has some good advice - football is a must right now!!!! Go Pats!!!

Sos said...

is Franklin refering to our first postmaster general or is he some child's literary character?

Tammy, Steve and Aiden said...

We agree, you should watch as much football as you can, just in case! Not sure how they won last Sun, but glad they did! Take care of yourselves, we're thinking of you often.