As I am writing this post - I am sitting in my recliner my feet up, watching football, working on a manuscript ("The Adaptive Range of 1/f Isometric Force Production" - fascinating huh!), drinking coffee from my favorite coffee mug and surfing the web (a nearly perfect Sunday morning). I came across the following article on MSN. I think I am going to implement these as house (or life) rules for Z and I.
I added my comments cause it beats working on "The Adaptive Range of 1/f Isometric Force Production". Did I mention I got a really wierd job!
21 Big Lessons from Little Kids"Little gems you may have forgotten." By the Editors of Men's Health
1. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Even when there's not a prize in the bottom of the box.
In other words Grape Nuts rule!2. Sometimes it's best to be completely blunt with people, as you used to be with relatives who wanted you to do something embarrassing or tedious for a shiny quarter.
Just say it. 3. Asking questions is how you figure things out. Lots and lots of questions -
Z has this one down pat.4. An older, wiser Gordie Lachance says in Stand By Me, "I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was 12." Lachance is right. The trick is to try to be the friend you were when you were 12: fun-loving and loyal, with no strings attached.
No much to add to this one - except who is Gordie Lachance?5. Playing is work. Approach your downtime with all the seriousness of a 5-year-old with a secret treasure map.
Anyone want to go play?6. Real guys don't dip their toes in the water. They jump right in.
You gotta trust the water is warm enough or if its not you are tough enough to deal with it.7. Girls have cooties. Well, the ones you meet in certain bars do, anyway.
Yep8. You hated it when a grown-up told you, "We'll see." It's still unacceptable. Don't say it yourself.
9. The only way to know how something works is to completely disassemble it. (This is still good advice when tackling a complex problem. Your plasma TV? Not so much).
With my mechanical skills - I dont think I am going to take anything apart!10. There's a reason they don't give credit cards to 8-year-olds. You're supposed to save up money before you buy a new toy.
Duh11. Your body was designed for throwing baseballs, shooting hoops, and jumping off diving boards and stuff. In the secret language of children, the word "fitness" doesn't exist. It's called "having fun."
Sometimes I think my body was designed for chilling! 12. Your world can be half-real and half-imaginary.
Just make sure you know what half is which.13. Homework blows. Bring work home with you and it'll ruin your night. And your marriage. And your family. And your life.
Figured this one out the hard way.14. Too much of anything will give you a tummy ache. Like, say, bourbon.
But it tastes so good.15. If there's even the slightest doubt, hit the potty before you leave.
And when you get there...16. The coolest adults were the ones who took the time to listen to you. You still want to grow up to be a cool adult, right?
What was that, I didn't hear you! The more important question is can a non-cool kid become a cool adult.17. Treasure Island, Dracula: The best books are consumed after dark with a flashlight.
Not sure the last time I have read a book in the dark. Does reading an owner's manual count?18. Use adrenaline as your drug of choice. You don't need beer, pot, or cigarettes to have a good time.
And adrenaline is free! 19. Kissing a girl on the cheek is a big deal. Kissing her lips is an even bigger deal. Seeing her naked for the first time is a major, life-altering event.
Hoping I don't need to tell Z this for a few more years!! Although he already has a girlfriend at school!!20. Going after a target in the urinal makes the time whiz by.
I need to stress in the urinal part to Z!21. Seeing a thunderstorm roll in is better than watching TV. And rain isn't something to curse, but to enjoy. Hurry up, before it clears.