Tuesday, August 7, 2007

How do beat the heat.

Currently it is over a 100 degrees with the heat index here in central Illinois. So in order to beat the heat this weekend, Zachio and I played in the sprinkler! Now if I can figure out a way to mow the lawn while keeping Zachio entertained I'd have it made.

So after cooling off with the sprinkler in the backyard. Zachio and I headed in. In an effort to keep the majority of the water outside and off the hardwood flowers, I covered Z in a towel and removed his suit while outside. Mind you with this technique there is absolutely no nudity- just a small child in a towel. Zachio - who can stand for none of this - quickly throws the front of the towel over his head - reminding everyone of the success of his Bris! With his head (and eyes) completely covered he bolts into the house in a full sprints. Until this point in time I never knew little boys ran on sprinkler water! After several minutes of me chasing the naked blind wonder through the house I finally get some undies on him (What does that say that it took me several minutes to catch a blind 3 year old.....hmmm....).
After I get him dressed, Zachio declares he wants to play hide and seek inside. I quickly agree (beats doing any chores). He volunteers to hide. Zach is at the developmental stage that if he cant see you - logically you can't see him. Check out the his hiding spot! Keep in mind that he is bellowing "YOU CANT FIND ME" as he is standing in the middle of the hallway.

As a mature adult I beat the heat in a completely different manner. Tonight I am flying to Brazil, where it is the dead of winter. It even got into the 50s last week!!!!. True when I started planning this trip 10 months ago, I had no idea it would be winter there now. So the only people in the tiny bathing suits that eveyone associates with Brazil will be Americans and European tourists. Such is life! I am going to Brazil to visit my good friend Gina and... go to a conference - for work - yes of course - you go to Brazil to work!
Good luck beating the heat - my suggestion is to hang out with a toddler - they always seem to know how to stay cool!

1 comment:

Shaila said...

Hilarious! - By far the best blog picture yet with him "hiding" in his undies in the middle of the hall. Priceless! Enjoy Wintering in Brazil! - Nicole