Friday, August 31, 2007

Whats her name?

Zachio has started back up at school. He just finished his second week and is enjoying it greatly. Seems to have a new friend every day! The other day I was trying to figure out how to pronounce his new teachers names. I was looking at the handout provided by the school and one of his teachers names was incomprehensible. Mrs. Alexandooooooooruuuuuu or atleast that is what it looked like to me. So I did what any sane person would do, I asked my trust side kick (Did I mention that he is only 3). He looks up at me with his big brown eyes and screams:

Mrs. Isaacalexanderdo!

"What? Mrs. What?" I ask?

Mrs. IsaacAlexanderdo! Isaac Alexanderdooo!

"Her name is Mrs. Alexanderdo" I reply as a small light goes on in my head.

Zachio's middle name is Alexander. So in his mind, Alexander always is preceed by Isaac!!! I wish the world was that simple!!!

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