Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Another Day, Another Phone Conversation!

So I called Zach this morning and had another delightful conversation. Guess what he asked me...

Daddio: "Morning Little man, How are you doing?"

Zachio: "Daddio (he actually started calling me this - on his own - no prompting. He is ultra-cute!), what ya doing?"

Daddio: "Eating breakfast. What you have for breakfast?"

Zachio: "Cereal. Daddio you watching football?"

Daddio (laughing): "No buddy, I am not watching football. What are you doing?

Zachio: "Talking on Speaker-phone with you. Daddio, you should watch football"

Daddio: "Um, okay Zachie - I'll try to watch football, today"

Zachio: " Bye - Bye Daddy. Love you! See you tomorrow!"

Daddio: "Have a great day, miss you, love ya"

Its a good thing I didn't tell Zachio I was going drinking, to the bathroom or some other fun activity after I dropped him off. Every morning - I have him ask - Daddio you drinking... you going to the bathroom... you ... =)

Other highlights of the day - survived first lecture (Red-eye - expresso mixed with coffee - helped tremendously) and someone ( a very cool person - I might add) from Brazil checked out the blog! I am international - or atleast the blog is =)

Best news - is I get to have Zach tomorrow morning!!!

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