Sunday, January 28, 2007

Music Class Mishaps

Another wonderful weekend has come to an end. Hanging with the little man is so much fun. I almost forget that I have to plan 2 lectures, write a grant or two and analyze a boat load of data. It will all wait!

Saturday started off with Zachio waking up at 5:30 am – which would not be that bad if we were going fishing, or had to get to milk the cows, but we weren’t. I nicely asked if he go back to bed – NO daddio – breakfast. I still haven’t figured out how I can justify giving him food before the sun raises. So I opened 1 eye and carried him downstairs. You think that someone who was so eager to eat would be willing to help get breakfast ready. NOPE! Zachio refused to let go of me. So I had to get breakfast ready 1 handed and 1 eyed! True – all I had to do was grab a bowl, a cup and a box a cereal!

After he ate breakfast – pretty sure he had 2 bowls of cereal (guess he was hungry). I offered to read to him. So we climbed onto the couch, pulled up the blanket and started reading. A few books into our reading marathon, I passed out (mid story =). I woke up 45 minutes later and Zachio is still reading (looking at the pictures and telling a story)!!!

After getting showered (daddio only) and dressed we headed to the bakery – our normal Saturday morning ritual. Zachio got a frog and cow sugar cookie, I got a coffee – trying to fight the fatigue. He spends the whole time flirting with the attractive women who works there. Actually he spends the first 45 seconds devouring his cookies then spends the rest of the time flirting!

So after the bakery we head to the long awaited music class. Zachio took music class last spring and had a ball. The didn’t offer music class over the summer and since life wasn’t normal this past fall – this was the first time he could take it again. Class mainly involves singing kid songs, banging on drums, and the parents making fools of themselves dancing around =)

I have a confession – as we drove to music class I realized I had no idea when class started. I signed him up in the beginning of the month – and I have had a couple things on my mind – so I completely forgot. I am sure that I wrote it down on one of my infamous scraps of papers – but I couldn’t find it! So I figure I play it safe and get there at 9 am – ask at the desk and go from there. Seemed like a good plan. I pulled up to the cultural center and the parking lot was empty. Not a good sign.

I get Zachio into the center and nicely ask the receptionist. Oh yes class is at 9 am in room 109. Zachio and I head down the stairs – and once we get to the basement (yes room 109 is in the basement) I realize the lights are off. I find the light switch, turn on the lights and we go to room 109. Guess what – nobody is there. I look at my watch and its 8:50 am. So I figure maybe we are just early. Now the entire time this is going on Zachio is chanting MUSIC CLASS! MUSIC CLASS! MUSIC CLASS! So it takes a little persuasion to get him to leave the room. I double check with the receptionist that class starts at 9 am – she assures me it does. Zach and I take a seat on the couch facing the entrance. With the idea that when we see little kids – will know that class is on. Well the only kids we see walk thru the door are 5-6 yr old little girls wearing tutus. (There are not tutus in music class – at least none that I have seen).

To make a very long winded post short – it turns out that class starts at 10:15. I was 1.5 hours early – better than late! Good news is that Zachio loved class. Only slightly awkward conversation after class with the teacher Miss Teresa – re: Mommy won’t be joining us.

After class we went home had lunch – Z refused his nap. Out of the blue he asked if Petey could come home (Most of you know that can’t happen =( SO we headed out to the humane society to play with the puppies! I tell that story in another post! Needless to say we had a blast!
PS - Bubbie thanks for the aprons!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Weekends rock!

Zachio and Daddio silliness over the weekend. Had a really good, action packed weekend. And we watched football! Z was a happy camper (even though the Pats lost - Joe you owe me lunch!)

Highlight of the weekend was that it snowed. Actually got 2 inches of the white stuff. I attempted to make a snow man. My attempt was hampered by 1) I forgot how to do it; 2) anytime I rolled a ball of anysize Zachio squahsed it! Yes I actually had to think about how to make a snowman. Proof that I have been in the midwest for entirely to long!

Also had a snowball fight. Believe it or not I won. True Zachio didn't know we were playing but we had fun! And we even made a snow angel!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

When you ask a Toddler to Smile they Stick out their tongue!

Got Zachio this morning. And I figured I try out my new camera!

Check out Z-man!

The best is the nanny takes it on herself to take random pics of Z. So when I get home I have a daily pictorial of my favorite little guy!
Unrelated but funny. I got my teaching evaluations yesterday. Definately not the greatest - lets just say I have plenty of room to improve. Most hilarious comment - Dr. S should get a mohawk!!! The rest of them were a little more mean spirited.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Another Day, Another Phone Conversation!

So I called Zach this morning and had another delightful conversation. Guess what he asked me...

Daddio: "Morning Little man, How are you doing?"

Zachio: "Daddio (he actually started calling me this - on his own - no prompting. He is ultra-cute!), what ya doing?"

Daddio: "Eating breakfast. What you have for breakfast?"

Zachio: "Cereal. Daddio you watching football?"

Daddio (laughing): "No buddy, I am not watching football. What are you doing?

Zachio: "Talking on Speaker-phone with you. Daddio, you should watch football"

Daddio: "Um, okay Zachie - I'll try to watch football, today"

Zachio: " Bye - Bye Daddy. Love you! See you tomorrow!"

Daddio: "Have a great day, miss you, love ya"

Its a good thing I didn't tell Zachio I was going drinking, to the bathroom or some other fun activity after I dropped him off. Every morning - I have him ask - Daddio you drinking... you going to the bathroom... you ... =)

Other highlights of the day - survived first lecture (Red-eye - expresso mixed with coffee - helped tremendously) and someone ( a very cool person - I might add) from Brazil checked out the blog! I am international - or atleast the blog is =)

Best news - is I get to have Zach tomorrow morning!!!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Phone calls with Zachio

On days that I don't have Zachio at the house - I call him in the morning before work and after dinner. Now having a phone conversation with Zachio is always a crap shot. Most 2.5 year olds are as of yet not skilled phone conversationists. But this morning was classic and perhaps the best phone call yet!

Here is a line by line recap -

Daddio: "Good morning big guy. Did you sleep well."

Zachio: "Hi Daddio. What ya doing?" - notice he ignores my question

Daddio: "I am eating breakfast and talking to you, Little man. What are you doing?"

Zachio: "I'm reading a book. Daddio, whatcca doin? Are you watching football?"

Daddio: "I am talking to you on the phone, big guy, what book are you reading?"

Zachio: "Why aren't you watching Football? Daddio, are you in the phone?"

Daddio: "No buddy, I am not in the phone. I am talking to you on the phone?"

Zachio: "You watching football? Daddio you should watch football."

Daddio: "Um, ok, little man - I will watch some football. Have a great day. Be good for mommy and Lindsey (the nanny)"

Zachio: "I going to Library with Lindsey. No old books, new books. Daddy, new books at library!"

Daddio: "Make sure you get good new books. Get ones about Franklin!"

Zachio: " New Books! New Books! Love you, Daddy. Goodbye. See you soon"

Daddio: "Bye, buddy. Love ya to"

The end!

Alright so most of you are probably a little confused why Zachio insisted that I watch football. I was for a while too. Then it dawned on me. on Sunday when I dropped him off at his mom's in the afternoon he asked me what I was going to do - and told him: watch football. So in his mind when I am not with him - I am watching football! Makes perfect sense to me now.

I did buy a digital camera yesterday! Just haven't had taken pictures of Z yet - you don't want to see pics of me! Especially self potriats!

Monday, January 15, 2007

The adventure begins!

So this weekend was the 2nd for my new family. Zachio and I had a blast as usual. Spent a good deal of time hanging out at home playing. Sung our theme song - Ziggy Zachy Ziggy Zachy - Oy Oy Oy (Man Show anyone?). We invested in more little people (toys not midgets)! We added a medic and a fire truck, a leapard, hippopatomus and a little kid. Slowly rebuilding our little army. Not sure why but Zachio had the hippopatomus serve as the pilot but he did. I'd thought that perhaps the leopard would be a better pick - but nope. Hippopatomus is the pilot - I was told.

Not nearly as cool as toys but we also bought a stereo. Zachio actually help pick it out. "Dat one, That one - the black one daddio". Who am I to argue, it is going to play his "wheels on the bus" CD so he should have a say. Well be the frugal shopper that I am - we purchased it at the Super Walmart. We get it home and take it out of the box. Luckily my skills as an A/V expert (one summer i built a speaker with my grandfather) enabled me to connect everything without the instructions. Now this stereo has 3 CD changer - well changer is a misnomer (although it was on the box), rather it has 3 places to put in a CD. Once I get it set -up I quickly put in 3 cds (toddler tunes, farm songs and Tom Petty). Guess what - CD player 1 makes an awful racket and stops spinning 10 s into Old MacDonald! My brand new stereo is dysfunctional - I definately pissed off the powers to be. =) Luckily I am getting wise in my old age and actually saved the packing material. Even more surprising I got it back into the box. Will see how returning it goes!

Two main highlights for this weekend. Zach has a new best friend and they started a band! Zach was playing bass and Dorin was playing lead guitar, vocals were shared! I got a pic on my phone - but haven't figured how to get it off yet. (Don't worry the digital camera is coming). And to Zachio's delight Dorin's couch cushions come off and he knows how to make forts. oh I wish I was 2.5 again!!

Second highlight, which I dedicate to my dad (aka little Zade), Zachio and I went car shopping - alright it was browsing - the dealership wasn't open - but we were looking. So I have decided I need to get a sports car - I know I am to young for a midlife crisis - but post divorce I need to reinvent myself. So I have been looking at sports cars - or as Zachio says - Race Cars! The main limitation to this dream - I have to fit a car seat in the sports car - not that many models.

This weekend we spent some time at a Dodge dealership. No real reason except it was on the way home from Toys R Us. So we perused the cars - thinking the dodge charger might be it. check it out. So the best news it won AAA car of the year! Not only is it a muscle car, but its practical - and it has a back seat. Vrrrmmmm - Zachio and Daddio agree.

So if you folks have any suggestions for Zachio and Daddio's mobile - think were gonna call it the DZ-mobile (just like the batmobile - but no tights!) - feel free to post.